Ice type weaknesses
Ice type weaknesses

ice type weaknesses ice type weaknesses

So the question is, what do you do if the Pokemon has multiple types? Well, find another counter, of course! However, as mentioned earlier, some of these weaknesses and resistances can be modded with subtypes. The best way to counter a Pokémon is to know its weaknesses and strengths, which are listed in the previous two sections of the guide. Nullifies Ice Resistance: Grass, Ground, Flying, Dragon.Nullifies Steel Weakness: Fire, Water, Electric.Nullifies Weakness to Rock: Fighting, Ground, Steel.Nullifies Fighting Weakness: Poison, Flying, Psychic, Insect.Nullifies fire weakness: fire, water, rock, dragon.Amplifies Weakness to Rock: Fire, Flying, Bug.Amplifies weakness in battle: Normal, Rock, Dark, Steel.Amplifies Weakness to Fire: Grass, Bug, Steel.In this list, we'll specifically cover subtypes that change the original weaknesses and strengths. Sometimes when Pokémon have secondary types, the weaknesses and strengths of that type can negate, magnify, or add to the weaknesses and strengths of the Pokémon's primary type.


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  • Weak against (160% damage): Fire, Fighting, Rock, Steel.
  • Not very effective against (62,5% damage): Fire, Water, Ice, Steel.
  • Super Effective Against (160% Damage): Grass, Ground, Dragon, Flying.
  • If something is not listed, it can be assumed to apply standard damage/defenses. The list below provides the base damage effectiveness against their respective types. Still, there are additional stats to know about Ice-type Pokémon and attacks. They are weak against Fighting, Fire, Rock, and Steel, and only resist other Ice attacks.

    ice type weaknesses

    The dynamics of Ice Pokemon can be compared to real-life science. This will be your go-to for best counters against Ice Pokémon and, if possible, all subtypes.

    ice type weaknesses

    It will primarily focus on Ice Pokémon with subtypes that alter normal strengths and weaknesses. Counters: In this final section of the guide, we'll cover counters for Ice Pokémon and their subtypes.


    It is essential to know if you want to know how to defeat some of the most powerful ice Pokemon.

  • Combination of Ice-Type Weaknesses and Strengths: This part of the guide will cover the secondary types that Ice Pokémon can have, and put particular emphasis on secondary types that could alter their original weaknesses and strengths.
  • This will be the go-to list when battling Ice-type Pokemon, but not always.
  • Ice-Type Weaknesses and Strengths: This will cover the base resistances, weaknesses, vulnerabilities, and strengths of Ice Pokemon.
  • That being said, we are going to cover a couple of things in this guide. With each subtype, moveset, and specialty comes the suggestion of a different technique to counter it. There is no universal solution against them. One of the first things you need to know about choosing the right counters in Pokémon Go is that not all Pokémon are created equal. ! This guide will get you through the toughest battles against any type of Ice Pokémon, including some of the strongest combinations! Ice Pokemon Weaknesses and Counters in Pokemon Go Their attacks are boosted by snowy weather, so expect to see plenty of other trainers using them if the weather is right. Ice Pokémon are usually used as a subtype in Pokémon Go because they can be easily countered if that's their only type.

    Ice type weaknesses